{ "access_token":"1/fFAGRNJru1FTz70BzhT3Zg", "expires_in":3920, "token_type":"Bearer" }
I was looking for a library to parse JSON and stumbled across GSON, which was very straightforward to use. The library has methods to create a java object from JSON or JSON from a java object. The sample program below shows how to do the former.
Download GSON library from here.
Create a class that can be used to create java objects to hold converted JSON.
public class GoogleAccessToken {String access_token;String refresh_token;String token_type;int expires_in;@Overridepublic String toString() {return "access_token: " + access_token + "refresh_token: " + refresh_token +" - " + "token_type:"+ token_type + " - " + "expires_in:" + expires_in;}public String getAccessToken() {return access_token;}public String getRefreshToken() {return refresh_token;}public String getTokenType() {return token_type;}public int getExpiresIn() {return expires_in;}}
Assume myJsonString variable has the JSON that needs to be parsed.
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();GoogleAccessToken jsonObject = gson.fromJson(myJsonString,GoogleAccessToken.class)
Now that the JSON is converted to java object form, you can access it's variables using the accessor functions.
jsonObject.toString()//the above line prints the following://access_token: 1/fFAGRNJru1FTz70BzhT3Zg refresh_token: - token_type: Bearer - expires_in: 3920